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  • Fatima B.

  • Montréal Ouest, Québec, Canada
  • 35.00 - 45.00$ /heure
  • Genre : Femme
  • Âge : 30 ans
  • Dernière connexion : 2015-01-03

Lieu d'enseignement

  • Chez l'étudiant
  • Chez le tuteur
  • En ligne
  • Dans un lieu public


I was born in Senegal, West Africa and I graduated from High School in 2013. I have been in Montreal ever since September 2013. I am enrolled in University of Montreal as an "English Studies" major. I study English literature and film. I have been speaking both English and French since birth. I am outgoing and open minded. I am joyful, dynamique, caring and love children.
I have a small knowledge of Korean (as I have been taking Korean classes for almost 2 years now) and I can understand it.
I have been dancing since the age of 5 and I have a Hip Hop Dance Crew at the moment.


  • Diplôme : Baccalaureate in English Studies (En cours)
  • Institution : Université de Montréal (Canada)

